Our Newsletter

A Weekly Newsletter by Viv & Ami
We began this labour of love, as a way to share with our friends all the ways in which we revel in life’s little pleasures - cooking, art, music, design - away from the doom-scrolling of gloomy headlines.Alongside our curated list from the internet of our favourite things, we also share our experience of being female entrepreneurs in India; the highs and pitfalls, challenges and wins and perhaps some nuggets of wisdom we’ve learned as we’ve fumbled through this journey.Why do we know so many people who spend their lives doing things they don't like to do, buying things that bring them no lasting joy, and working hard at goals that offer no real fulfillment? We have all experienced...
The Delights of Distraction
By Viv & Ami
About five years after launching, The Wishing Chair was in expansion mode. In addition to our three outlets, we wanted to open brick-and-mortar stores in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chandigarh. But most of our earnings were being plowed back into developing...
The Delights of Distraction
By Avneet Mann
This week we’ve been trying to conjure up optimism to keep working on the things we care about and problem-solving on some of the biz woes. So, we're going to take a momentary break from the navel-gazing self-pity that we’ve...
The Delights of Distraction
By Viv & Ami
In business, as in life, there are very few sure things. Plans can go poof, sales projections can be wrong, circumstances can change and that rainy day fund you collected at the back of your safe can evaporate. However, according...
The Delights of Distraction
By Viv & Ami
They say when it rains, it pours. Though it literally may not be true for Delhi this week (we could use more rain), it felt that way figuratively as far as The Wishing Chair was concerned. June was a month...
The Delights of Distraction
By Viv & Ami
It’s Father’s day today. So we thought we would kick off the newsletter with this poem: Those Winter Sundays Sundays too my father got up earlyand put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,then with cracked hands that achedfrom labor...
The Delights of Distraction
By Viv & Ami
Hello from a mist-laden, lake-front coffee-shop in Chiang Mai where we are perched on cushioned day beds shaded by willow trees sipping on Iced Caramel Macchiatos and feeling guiltily smug about escaping to this paradise while a dusty heat wave...
The Delights of Distraction
By Viv & Ami
This week’s newsletter ended up being quite wordy, so we’ll keep the introduction short other than to tell you that we have FINALLY booked our tickets for Thailand this week. We were supposed to leave for Thailand to meet our...
The Delights of Distraction
By Viv & Ami