Cotton Candy Photo Frames: A Sweet Treat

Cotton Candy Photo Frames: A Sweet Treat - The Wishing Chair

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Our story begins on a lazy afternoon, holed up in The Wishing Chair’s studio, taking a collective walk down memory lane – to days that were about minty drinks and hammocks, paperback weekends squandered at the beach and walks on wet grass with a loved one.

It struck us then, that surely everyone must have had such moments – snap happy days of contentment and simple joys. Picture perfect occasions that deserve to be preserved. Well we’re here to serve.


Maintain Décor-um

Got a retro romance? We think it ought to be framed!

So we’ve used the softest, coolest pastels – serene blues, refreshing greens and blushing pinks of the prettiest persuasion – to create gorgeous picture holders for your dearest memories. And just in time for an Haute summer.

At The Wishing Chair we love patterns of the timeless kind – checkered prints, bold stripes, cheerful chevron, playful polka dots. This time though, we hand drew a lovely harlequin motif to make these quaint photo frames. You know, because diamonds are aces. Well plaid, wouldn’t you say?

Pattern love

Pattern Love: Pinterest

Photo Op-portunity

They say it’s the thought that counts. And what could be more thoughtful than the gift of a precious memory, encased in the warm, wistful colours of youth. So swing by one of our stores, or if you prefer, we’re also online, and grab yourself a photo frame or three.

Give them pride of place on your mantle, tuck them into a bedside nook, or find them a home on your desk. We’re certain they’ll fit right in, and leave you fifty shades of pleased as punch.

ou can shop the featured photo frames here

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